Thursday 21 March 2013

Auteur's Audience

Auteurs audience

The audience for my auteur Alfred Hitchcock is people who enjoy pschycologicaly thrillers which is people in the upper class or in the A or B section of the socio demographic model because these classes are people with qualifications and high status jobs which means that they can follow the story despite it being complex and pschycologicaly hard to follow. Hitchcock also uses clever camera movements and angles which keep the audience on the edge of their seats at all times he also uses clever dialogue around words like he does in blackmail where he uses a knife as the centre of the dialogue. His films are complex and so are not for those on the lower scales of the socio economic scale because they are less likely to be able to follow the story lines in Hitchcock’s films because their education is not as good as those on the higher scales. As a film innovator, Hitchcock showed us that diverse cinematic techniques could be transformed into a powerful storytelling language. Every montage in the movies or music videos reminds us how Hitchcock made frenetic editing mainstream

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