Monday 18 March 2013

Preliminary task

Today i started on my preliminary task which i did with my partner Killian. We had a few problems because we didn't get much filming done and the second time we tried to use the same location it was being used which meant we had to do part of our preliminary in a different room which in my opinion affected the continuity of the video that we made. I also think that the storyline we did was quite difficult for people to understand because it was quite complex. I do think that the way that me and Killian edited it made the video very tense in places for example the part of the video where the heartbeat comes in before he opens the door which i think built suspnese very well. I also think that if i had to do the task again then i would do more of the filming because Killian did most of the filming and i think that i could of offered a different skill set to him which may have made the video more succesfull for both of us.
The storyline for our Preliminary was that we had man who had killed his wife but the audience don't know this and he is having a conversation with his other personality becasue it has split into a good personality and a bad personality.
The preliminary also taught me that there were some shots and editing techniques that I maybe wanted to use in my actual thriller that were not possible and that I would have to find a way round them to get a similar sort of thing in my thriller.

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