Thursday 21 March 2013

Sound and Cinematography


Today in media we learnt about sound in media clips and the way that they can make the audience feel whilst watching certain genres. For example we watched a clip about a man escaping after being caught under an avalanche with a broken leg and in the clip they emphasized his breathing to show his exhaustion with the position he is in and the exhaustion of having to climb out of the one and only whole that he can find. Also in the clip as he escapes from the hole a piece of music comes on showing that his journey has just begun to get out of trouble and that his journey will be a tough one, the music shows this by it being the sort of music that has connotations with quests like Lord of the rings. We also looked at 2 other clips they were from Last king of Scotland and Slum-dog millionaire.

Sound effects

Dialogue- All the words and c=vocal expressions of the actors



Close up, Long shot, Point of view, Birds eye view, Worms eye view, Mid shot, American shot, Can be a combination of different shots, Full shot and Crane shot.


Cameras distance from the subject and the camera angle in relation to the subject and the point of view


Extreme long shot, Long shot, Mid shot, Close up, Extreme close up


High angle, Low angle

Point of view, Objective, Rule of thirds

Key terms


Pan (whip pan)


Dolly/Tracking shot

Zoom (in and out)



(Aerial shot) Flying cam

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